Using Your Vehicle To Promote Your DJ Business

If you are a disc jockey and you are interested in getting the word out about your business in an attempt to get more gigs, advertising will become necessary to complete this desire. One method of gaining attention that works well for those in the music business is using a vehicle as a form of advertising. Here are some tips you can use to incorporate advertising into your vehicle so you gain more exposure to those in your area, possibly grabbing new customers who need a DJ for parties and weddings as a result.

Purchase Magnetic Signs For Quick Advertising Trips

If you need to use your vehicle for another job, or if you need to access roads where commercial vehicles pay fees, it may be beneficial to purchase magnetic signs to place on your vehicle. This allows you to remove them at times you want to keep your DJ business under wraps. When you have the time to drive around town for pleasure, slap the magnets on the sides or back of your vehicle and frequent areas where traffic is abundant. A plus side of magnet use is that you can switch your advertising method at any time you wish. Simply purchase more than one design and rotate them when desired.

Use Stick On Lettering As A Semi-Permanent Ad

Many disc jockeys find that putting lettering on the back and sides of their vehicle is an effective way to gain attention without permanently altering their vehicle in the process. If you specialize in weddings or elegant functions, consider using black window tint on your windows and white lettering for a classic look. If you tend to do more children's parties, reunions, or birthday extravaganzas, use colored lettering on the sides of your vehicle to draw attention to the services you offer.

Consider An Auto Wrap For A Streamlined Ad

Using an automobile wrap is a desirable method in advertising if you plan on being a long-term disc jockey. If you have been in the business for several years and wish to expand your services to those in other areas, this advertisement will draw attention. The ad will cover your entire vehicle, making it a moving billboard to those on the road. It is best to hire a designer to help with the wording and colors used with this type of sign. They will offer recommendations on what will draw the most attention to the specific vehicle model you own.

Know Where To Go For Increased Business

Drive your vehicle around during peak times of the day such as rush hours and lunchtime. Make sure to drive routes with plenty of stop lights and stop signs so people in the area have time read the ads on your vehicle. Park your vehicle in busy areas to gain exposure as well.

It is a good idea to park your vehicle in areas where music is listened to, such as bars or clubs if you are looking to expand your entertainment to these types of venues. If you wish to get additional kids' parties, park your vehicle by neighborhood parks, schools, or in store parking lots. Consider placing a magnetic container on the side of your vehicle with business cards and sample compact discs inside. When you park your vehicle, those in the vicinity will notice your advertising and may come closer to take some of the information you provide.

For more information, contact local professionals like Aggressive Graphics.

About Me

Fixing Up My Car

After years of driving the same old car, I knew that I needed a change of scenery. I commute long distances for work, and being inside of that car for hours at a time was really depressing. I knew that I needed to go through and repair things, so I started looking into a business that could help me fix up my car. I had professional detailers go through and completely clean the inside, and then I had auto experts overhaul the interior fabrics, dashboards, and everything else. I also had a professional auto body team completely repaint the car, which made a huge difference. Check out this blog to find out how auto body changes can help.

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